Our Story

St. Gabriel
st gabriel

At the Board meeting on December 17th 2014 the Board announced that the new school in Winona would be called St. Gabriel Catholic Elementary School. After input from staff, students, the parish and the community Bishop Crosby selected the name for a variety of reasons which are quite appropriate; "being the Archangel who announces the news that Mary would conceive the Lord by the transforming action of the Holy Spirit, the name of the school will be closely related to its sister school, Immaculate Heart of Mary. The Diocese is under the patronage of Our Lady of the Annunciation, so the name of the new school is closely related to the diocese as well." Bishop Crosby later states that he hopes that students of the new school "respond with open hearts to the action of God in their lives, as did Mary to the message of St. Gabriel: 'Let it be done to me according to your will.'"

St. Gabriel’s feast day is September 29th and is celebrated with the Archangels Michael and Rafael. His name means “God is my strength” and in the bible he serves as a messenger to Daniel about the messiah, to Zachariah when St. Gabriel foretold the birth of John the Baptist and to Mary our Mother. St. Gabriel was chosen by God to be the messenger of the Annunciation and this image is seen on the front windows of the school on top of our main entrance. His famous words “Hail Mary, full of grace” is an important prayer for all Catholics. Since he often serves as a messenger he is often depicted with a trumpet or a lantern and since he is an Archangel he may be depicted with a spear and or shield.


St. Gabriel School Prayer & Code
arch angel

Our Prayer to St. Gabriel

St. Gabriel, Angel of God, spread your wings upon us.
Care, comfort, and guide us each day as we work and study.
Teach us to forgive and to make the right decisions daily.
Help us to be kind and gentle, but most of all, help us to show God's love to one another.
Dear St. Gabriel, please listen to this prayer, that we make this day, through Christ our Lord.

Prayer Written By: Alyssa P. (Grade 8 student)

Our School Code

I belong to a Catholic Community.
I will create peace in our world today.
I will reach out to others with kindness, caring, and respect.
I will value what I have and what others have.
I will help those who are in need, sad, or lonely.
I will encourage good deeds.
I will be the best I can be.
I am a peace maker and a peace keeper today, tomorrow, and forever.
I promise to celebrate faith, family, and learning daily.
This is my pledge; this is my promise.

School Code Written By: Julia C. (Grade 7 student)